Läsresan åk F-3

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A teaching boost for you, reading and writing joy for your students.

Reading the same text together gives all students the opportunity to share thoughts, knowledge and reflections on what they have read. Everyone can participate in the text conversation for real, a participation that creates a good basis for learning. The independent reading is stimulated by the common and vice versa. In Läsresan, the whole word and sound method is combined, which is a successful method for students’ reading development. Whole-word reading in the common reading and listening of the textbook at the student’s own level, in Läsresan’s level books and reading homework.
In Läsresan’s reading book, your students will encounter a variety of texts, each with its author and illustrator and its specific features. Already in pre-school class includes e.g. simple factual texts. This variety of texts also creates curiosity and anticipation in the students – “What will I read about in the next chapter?”

Writing is based on the text type
In Läsresan’s workbook grades 1–3, your students continue to work with the type of text they just read in the textbook. Based on a model text, students learn about the linguistic features of the text type and then practice planning and writing their own text. If the text in the textbook is a verse, a poetic text, your students get to practice writing verses in particular.
In Läsresan, joint reading and joint writing are emphasized.

The web – this is where the journey begins
To display the new chapter’s text and illustrations in large format and listen to the captivating
the reading – it is the best start to reading that you can give your students. Listen again and have everyone follow along in marking the text. Read together – driving reading,
echo reading, drama reading…
Repeated reading is a method of success! Your students have access to the textbook texts and all level books in their student web. Practice at school, practice at home, practice more!


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