The new collaboration is based on the philosophy that good matches between specialist companies provide customers with better solutions to their challenges. StudyBee’s ambition is to be able to offer schools the best possible tools to be able to follow and support students’ learning, development and well-being based on data – from primary school to upper secondary school and adult education. The student data is visualized in clear views on several levels such as school, class and individual students. The school’s staff gets the whole picture but also the opportunity to gain insights based on patterns and trends in the data. StudyBee specializes in this area and strengthens the product by integrating with other niche players. Skola24 is strong in school administrative systems with products for, among other things, attendance and absence management, which are important indicators for discovering patterns in the students’ study situation and providing the right support in time.
StudyBee launches integration with Skola24 for attendance management
StudyBee and Skola24 have started a collaboration regarding attendance and absence management. This will give schools an even better overall picture of the students' study situation.
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