

We offer masterclasses with some of Sweden's most skilled educators. You don't want to miss that! Read more and register today!



Through creative and innovative teaching, with a mix of analog and digital, Anders Enström, Mia Hasselblad and Belmina Omerhodzic have changed students’ view of learning and thus increased their motivation.

Accessibility is another important issue in today’s classroom, about that Ulrika Jonson will share tips and ideas for how you as a teacher can succeed even better.

Preschool is something that both Simon Melin and Fredrik Söderlund are a little extra passionate about, in their masterclasses they will show how digital teaching tools can increase learning and creativity among children.

In addition, Allbry and Språkkraft are guests, who will talk about the importance of good student health and how to use digital tools to create good integration in the multilingual classroom.

Several of the lecturers will visit our stand, stay tuned!

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