Binogi Sverige AB



Binogi – the digital path to learning

Binogi is driven by the vision that every individual student should succeed in school. Therefore, we have developed a multilingual digital teaching aid with short, animated films whose content covers the curriculum for upper secondary school. Students watch the films on a computer, tablet or mobile phone, either individually or together in class. Each film also includes quizes, so that both students and teachers can follow up and control the learning.

The films are short, entertaining and structured so that the students will be captured and want to see the film to the end. Each lesson is knowledge-intensive, but written in a way that does not overwhelm the student with new information and new terms. The language is easily accessible even for students with weak Swedish, which means that the films suit everyone, while the information-dense but short format means that even students with difficulty focusing for a longer period of time can watch the film attentively until the end. Swedish-born students can choose to listen to English or one of their modern languages ​​for further language training.

Newly arrived young people can choose to listen to their own mother tongue. This means that they can enter the Swedish school more quickly from day one. At the same time as they have the opportunity to absorb the content of the lesson in their strongest language, the films facilitate the learning of Swedish, as the student himself can choose a combination of languages ​​in both sound and subtitle. Over time, students usually switch to listening to Swedish and taking support from the subtitles in their mother tongue. The speed of the films can also be adjusted, for students who want to listen at a slower pace.

About the Language Project

Together with over 130 Swedish and Finnish principals, and researchers at various universities around the world – as well as several other parties – we run the research project The Language Project. The project aims to continue to develop our teaching material, to give all students the chance to learn at their own pace with the class – regardless of language, ability and background.

What is the Language Project?

With the help of the Language Project, we can continue to develop our teaching materials, our tools and methods for a better teaching material for everyone, including newly arrived students. When a municipality or school group joins the project, the schools get access to all available languages ​​in our teaching material, which means that newly arrived students can listen or read in their mother tongue and thus keep up with the teaching from the start, in parallel with learning Swedish. Swedish-born students can also choose to listen to a foreign language for further training in modern languages ​​or English.

The lesson’s pedagogical structure, language and relatively short length have proven to suit several groups well, for example students with concentration difficulties, but also highly gifted students who want to read extra on their own.

Participating principals see this as an advantage

Better conditions for all students, regardless of background, to assimilate the teaching in an equal way.
Support for method development in teaching.
Increased quality of study guidance for new arrivals.
Students’ motivation for learning increases.
Students with concentration difficulties get the most important pedagogical summary in a few minutes.
Students can practice extra on e.g. modern languages ​​and English.
Pupils with a mother tongue other than Swedish can reach the curriculum’s knowledge goals more quickly.
In the long run, increased results and a larger proportion of eligible students to upper secondary school.

Does your municipality / principal want to participate? Or do you want more information? Contact our Key Account Managers today on or on the phone 08-509 15 401 to find out more. We are here to help you and your principal.

Come and meet us in booth D:30, you can test the teaching aid and we can tell you more!




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